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Terry D. Broussard

I am a husband, father, leather craftsman, cancer survivor and especially follower of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  But there was a point when I was something else – spiritually lost and in need of help to find a positive and productive life.

I grew up in Lafayette Louisiana, the Heart of Cajun Country on a small cattle farm in a large extended family with strong faith.  Like many lost sheep, I found myself falling into undesirable situations and circumstances. During my younger years, when at times things seemed to be spiraling out of control, I felt something else was tugging inside my soul for change.

I married young – just 19 – to my first wife and again fifteen years later to my second wife.  I was blessed with four amazing children.  But both marriages crumbled and I was left alone, forced to examine why this was happening.

I eventually realized I had been living in the dark and needed to walk in the light.  I needed to transform if I truly wanted to turn my life around and be the man God intended. And that’s exactly what I did.  On June 17, 2011, I chose to give my life to Jesus Christ and my world began to change for the better.  I realized my past mistakes did not define who I am or my time on earth – that redemption is always possible. I rekindled my second marriage and it has been thriving ever since – the best relationship ever. Life was great.

Until one day I was unexpectedly given a dire cancer diagnosis – 6 weeks to live – that turned my world upside down.  But with my faith and the help of some excellent doctors, I was even able to overcome this seemingly insurmountable obstacle.  I stayed on my path, persevered and is still thriving each day.

My purpose is to share my journey with others – to help them should they too be living in the dark as I once was.  My story is one of inspiration, awakening and transformation – to help others who might feel hopelessly lost to fully see the light.

What are they saying about Terry
Thank you for sharing your journey of fighting cancer with all of us. We could not stop talking about you - your unwavering faith, zest for life and love for your family was so palpable and left such an imprint on our hearts and minds. It's a true reminder of why we do what we do every day. You are an inspiration!
What are they saying about Terry
Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us last week! Knowing about your trials and journey of fighting cancer only inspires me to want to do more for ALL patients and our physicians and staff. Keep fighting and good luck!
What are they saying about Terry
Thank you Terry for the light you bring to this world! Your humor, compassion and spirit touched us deeply and inspires to many to do their very best each day!
What are they saying about Terry
Thank you Terry for sharing your journey with us and peeling back the curtain a bit. Your love for your family and faith was certainly palpable. I think we all got a big laugh when you shared that you can see us coming from a mile away. Wishing you and your family the very best as we enter the holiday season
What are they saying about Terry
Is wonderful to see you spreading your message of hope and faith. You have a gift of light that shines on us all and we were all blessed by it. Prayers for continued good health. You now have a bunch of new Tik Tok followers too.
What are they saying about Terry
Terry! You have a gift! Keep telling your story and inspiring others! Loved your faith testimony and demonstrating the courage to speak it!
What are they saying about Terry
Terry - thank you so much for coming to our meeting and sharing your story. My team and I have been talking about you all week since we left - you have given everyone so much motivation to continue to knock on doors and overcome our challenges because we know there is work to be done. Oh and you have a bunch of new tiktok followers too : May God continue to Bless you and your family!
What are they saying about Terry
Terry - It was so great to meet you and hear your story! We all really appreciate the time you took to come speak with us. You have an amazing journey and are able to articulate these moments from your life so well. Your words were truly inspirational! Sending you warm wishes this holiday season. Thank you again!
What are they saying about Terry
Thanks for taking time out of your schedule to share your inspiring story with us. Keep up the fight and keep crackin' that whip!
What are they saying about Terry
Thank you Terry! Amazing story. What an inspiration. Keep up the fight. Your faith has restored mine! Philippians 4:13.
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