Terry D. Broussard
I am a husband, father, leather craftsman, cancer survivor and especially follower of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. But there was a point when I was something else – spiritually lost and in need of help to find a positive and productive life.
I grew up in Lafayette Louisiana, the Heart of Cajun Country on a small cattle farm in a large extended family with strong faith. Like many lost sheep, I found myself falling into undesirable situations and circumstances. During my younger years, when at times things seemed to be spiraling out of control, I felt something else was tugging inside my soul for change.
I married young – just 19 – to my first wife and again fifteen years later to my second wife. I was blessed with four amazing children. But both marriages crumbled and I was left alone, forced to examine why this was happening.
I eventually realized I had been living in the dark and needed to walk in the light. I needed to transform if I truly wanted to turn my life around and be the man God intended. And that’s exactly what I did. On June 17, 2011, I chose to give my life to Jesus Christ and my world began to change for the better. I realized my past mistakes did not define who I am or my time on earth – that redemption is always possible. I rekindled my second marriage and it has been thriving ever since – the best relationship ever. Life was great.
Until one day I was unexpectedly given a dire cancer diagnosis – 6 weeks to live – that turned my world upside down. But with my faith and the help of some excellent doctors, I was even able to overcome this seemingly insurmountable obstacle. I stayed on my path, persevered and is still thriving each day.
My purpose is to share my journey with others – to help them should they too be living in the dark as I once was. My story is one of inspiration, awakening and transformation – to help others who might feel hopelessly lost to fully see the light.